The Most Explosive Way to Spin a Jar A Guide to Jar Spinning


Have you ever seen those mesmerizing videos of jars spinning on a table, seemingly defying gravity? Or perhaps you’ve tried to spin a jar yourself, only to end up with a mess of shattered glass and spilled contents. Jar spinning, also known as centrifugal force, has become a popular trend in recent years, with people attempting to create the perfect spin and share it on social media. But what exactly is jar spinning and how can you do it successfully?

In this article, we will delve into the world of jar spinning and uncover the secrets to achieving the most explosive spins. From understanding the science behind it to learning the best techniques and tools, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s get ready to spin some jars!

Understanding Jar Spinning: The Science Behind It

The Most Explosive Way to Spin a Jar A Guide to Jar Spinning

Before we dive into the techniques and tips for creating the perfect spin, it’s important to understand the science behind jar spinning. In simple terms, jar spinning is the result of centrifugal force, which is the outward force that occurs when an object is rotating around a fixed point. This force is strongest at the outer edge of the spinning object and decreases towards the center.

When it comes to jars, the key element is the liquid inside. As the jar is spun, the liquid inside will move outwards towards the edges of the jar due to the centrifugal force. If the jar is spun fast enough, the liquid will continue to move upwards and create a “dome” shape at the top of the jar. This dome of liquid is what makes jar spinning so visually appealing.

Now that we have a basic understanding of the science behind jar spinning, let’s move on to the techniques and tools needed to achieve the perfect spin.

Tools and Materials Needed for Jar Spinning

The Most Explosive Way to Spin a Jar A Guide to Jar Spinning

Like any other craft or activity, having the right tools and materials is crucial for success. Here are the essential items you will need for jar spinning:

1. Jars

Of course, a jar is the main component needed for jar spinning. Any type of glass jar can be used, but it’s important to make sure it is sturdy and has a secure lid. Mason jars or jam jars are popular choices as they have thicker glass and screw-on lids.

2. Liquid

As mentioned earlier, the liquid inside the jar is what creates the dome shape when spun. The best liquids for jar spinning are those with a high viscosity, which means they are thick and resistant to flow. Some examples include honey, syrup, oil, and molasses. It’s important to experiment with different liquids to find the perfect one for your spin.

3. Food Coloring (Optional)

For added visual appeal, you can add a few drops of food coloring to the liquid inside the jar. This will create swirling patterns and add some color to your spin. However, this is completely optional and not necessary for successful jar spinning.

4. Spinners

In order to achieve a fast and consistent spin, you will need a spinner. Spinners come in various forms such as lazy susans, manual spinners, or even record players. The key is to find one that can rotate at a high speed and maintain a constant spin.

Now that we have all the necessary tools, let’s move on to the techniques for creating the most explosive spins.

Techniques for Jar Spinning

The Most Explosive Way to Spin a Jar A Guide to Jar Spinning

There are many different ways to spin a jar, but here are some tried and tested techniques for achieving the most explosive spins.

1. The Hand Flip Method

This method involves using your hand to flip the jar in a circular motion. To begin, fill the jar with your chosen liquid and tightly screw on the lid. Place the jar on a flat surface and hold it at the base with one hand. With your other hand, flick the jar in a quick circular motion. The key to success with this method is to flick the jar with enough force to create a fast spin.

2. The Rope Method

For this method, you will need a long piece of rope or string. Similar to the hand flip method, fill the jar with liquid and tightly screw on the lid. Place the jar on a flat surface and tie one end of the rope around the jar, making sure it is tight and secure. Hold onto the other end of the rope and swing the jar in a circular motion. This method allows for a longer spin as the rope can continue to rotate the jar once it reaches the end of its swing.

3. The Lazy Susan Method

Using a lazy susan is perhaps the easiest way to spin a jar. Simply place the jar on the lazy susan and give it a quick spin. The key here is to make sure the lazy susan is large enough to accommodate the size of your jar and can spin at a high speed.

4. The Manual Spinner Method

Similar to a lazy susan, a manual spinner is a tool specifically designed for spinning jars. It consists of a platform with a central pivot point and a handle that can be turned to rotate the platform. To use this method, place the jar on the platform and turn the handle in a circular motion. The advantage of using a manual spinner is that you can control the speed and direction of the spin more precisely.

Now that we have covered the techniques for spinning a jar, let’s move on to some tips for creating the most explosive spins.

Tips for Creating Explosive Jar Spins

The Most Explosive Way to Spin a Jar A Guide to Jar Spinning

1. Start Slow and Build Up Speed

When first starting out with jar spinning, it’s important to start slow and gradually build up the speed. This will give you a better understanding of how the liquid moves and help you control the spin better. Once you have a good grasp on the movement, you can increase the speed and create more explosive spins.

2. Experiment with Different Liquids

As mentioned earlier, different liquids will create different effects when spun. It’s important to experiment with various liquids to find the one that works best for you. You may also want to try mixing different liquids together to create unique patterns and colors.

3. Use Food Coloring Strategically

If adding food coloring to your liquid, consider strategically placing the drops instead of just randomly dropping them in. This will create more defined patterns and add to the visual appeal of your spin.

4. Create a Stable Base

To achieve a smooth and consistent spin, it’s important to have a stable base for your jar. Make sure the surface you are spinning on is flat and level. If using a manual spinner or lazy susan, ensure they are placed on a stable surface.

5. Don’t Overfill the Jar

One common mistake when attempting to spin a jar is overfilling it with liquid. This will cause the liquid to spill out and ruin the spin. It’s best to leave some space at the top of the jar to allow room for the liquid to move upwards.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Spinning Jars

The Most Explosive Way to Spin a Jar A Guide to Jar Spinning

While jar spinning may seem simple enough, there are some common mistakes that can lead to unsuccessful spins. Here are some things to avoid when attempting to spin a jar:

1. Using Thin Glass Jars

Thin glass jars are more likely to shatter when spun at high speeds. It’s best to use thicker glass jars such as mason jars or jam jars, as they are sturdier and less likely to break.

2. Not Securing the Lid Properly

One of the most common mistakes when it comes to jar spinning is not screwing on the lid tightly enough. This can lead to the lid coming loose and liquid spilling out, ruining the spin.

3. Spinning Too Slowly

As mentioned earlier, starting slow and gradually building up speed is important. However, if you spin too slowly, the liquid will not move upwards and create the desired dome shape. Make sure to spin at a fast enough speed to achieve the desired effect.

4. Using Too Little or Too Much Liquid

Finding the right amount of liquid to use can be tricky. If there is too little liquid in the jar, it may not move upwards and create the dome. On the other hand, if there is too much liquid, it may overflow and ruin the spin. Experiment with different amounts until you find the perfect balance.


Jar spinning may seem like a simple and fun activity, but it also requires some understanding of the science behind it and the right techniques and tools to achieve success. We hope this guide has given you all the information you need to create the most explosive spins possible. Remember to have fun and don’t be discouraged if your first attempts are not perfect – practice makes perfect! Happy spinning!

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